
Computational Linguistics Principles

View the Project on GitHub jatanjay/complinguistics

Computational Linguistics & NLP Projects

Projects Included:

  1. CharacterNgrams:
    • Investigating character n-grams for text analysis.
    • Classifying 2 closely related Greenlandic Languages.
  2. ContextFreeGrammars:
    • Exploring the power of context-free grammars in language processing.
    • PCFGs and CFGs Algorithm.
  3. NaiveBayesClassifer_SENSEVAL:
    • Implementing a Naive Bayes classifier for word sense disambiguation.
    • SENSEVAL Dataset for word sense disambiguation.
  4. Viterbi_POSTagging:
    • Utilizing the Viterbi algorithm for part-of-speech tagging.
    • Viterbi Algorithm & HMMs.
  5. Albright&Hayes:
    • Using string similarity and lexical analogy to model experimental data from Albright & Hayes’s breakthrough 2001 paper.
    • Min Edit Algorithm, Dynamic Programming.
